Friday, August 10, 2007

Dog Days

When you hear the cicadas chirping at sunrise you know it's going to be a hot day.

104 in the shade yesterday afternoon, retreat to the comfort of the AC.

Wasn't always that way. 25 years ago you'd still see the farmers in their bib overalls and straw hats working their fields, tracing a mule, riding a tractor no matter what the weather. At night folks would sleep on the front porch hoping to catch a breeze.

Creeks would be filled with folks of all ages looking for relief. It wasn't unusual then not to have running water in the houses and cabins up the hills and hollers. Creek baths were so common you'd think nothing of someone lathering up, as long as they were downstream. Hospitable as folks here are they'd leave their bar of soap or bottle of shampoo behind for the next person to come along.

If you forgot yours, and really needed that bath, you'd be glad to find it.

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